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От старого русского слова "пахтать" - сбивать сливки в масло - произошло название незаслуженно забытого ныне пищевого продукта. Пахта мало отличается от обезжиренного молока, но в нее переходит почти весь лецитин, а он способствует нормализации жирового обмена. Калорийность пахты в 2 раза ниже калорийности цельного коровьего молока. Из нее можно приготовить кефир и простоквашу, особенно полезные в пожилом возрасте.
Кисломолочные напитки заслуживают особого внимания. Простокваша, кефир, ацидофилин сохраняют все полезные вещества, содержащиеся в молоке. Обладая многими положительными свойствами, они имеют еще и диетические качества. То же относится и к сырам с низким содержанием жира.
Молочные продукты с низким содержанием жира и обезжиренные замечательны еще тем, что они как бы специально изготовлены для проведения разгрузочных дней. Например, при проведении творожного разгрузочного дня можно съесть в 4 приема 350 - 400 г нежирного творога, 2 стакана чая или кофе с молоком, но без сахара. При проведении кефирного разгрузочного дня (1,2 - 1,5 л кефира, разделенные на 5-6 порций) опять-таки следует отдать предпочтение маложирному, а следовательно, низкокалорийному кефиру. Масса тела снижается за счет того, что калорийность этих разгрузочных рационов ниже того количества энергии, которое организм затрачивает в течение суток.
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Thursday, March 18, 2010
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Austria - an amazing country. And not only because of its rich culture, history, music. She is beautiful in all seasons. The high tourist season here never ends. But winter in the Austrian Alps is a recreational paradise, which surprisingly fell blindingly white and light snow. In Austria, many ski resorts, famous and not so, expensive and democratic costs. Each of its charm, and all - a corner of the Austrian inimitable nature. Of particular popularity has earned the European sports region Zell am See - Kaprun. Fame came to Zell am See in the 19 century: here liked to rest the Austrian Empress Elizabeth. The town, located an hour's drive from Salzburg in the valley Pinzgau on the shore of a beautiful lake Zeller See, on all sides surrounded by mountains, and the gaze is an idyllic picture. Kaprun - is today a quiet village, which is decorated with an old fortress and Kittsshtaynhorn glacier where the snow can melt even the hot rays of spring sun and can be 12 months a year skiing.
According to legend, however, of historical accuracy, in the 18 century in Zell am See has been a monastic cloister, which gave the name of this place: "cell on the lake. Later than one hundred years of life of the town, which became the administrative center of the district Pinzgau and one of the best known and most comfortable ski resorts in Europe, does not seem lonely and boring. And how could it be otherwise, in Zell am See currently 90 restaurants offering unforgettable Austrian dishes, 35 bars, 35 nightclubs, a disco-pub, dance hall, movie theater, kegelbary, disco club, a modern sports facilities. There is even an airfield, taking small planes and helicopter landing pad. Attracts many attractions: the Catholic Cathedral of St. Hippolytus, Prilau fortress, castle Hofen-Werfen, art gallery,
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In Zell am See a good chance of placement: 112 guests with different categories of hotels, guest houses and apartments. At 2 km from Zell am See is Shyutdorf settlement, which is considered part of the resort. It is called "Youth Village" because of the abundance of inexpensive hotels and lifestyle, devoid of any pomposity. However, life in this village like, regardless of age.
Nevertheless, from December to April, the most important thing is that the region of Zell am See - Kaprun into a special place. Are coming here and experienced skiers and beginners, to enjoy good-skating on groomed trails. And enjoy what really is: from the snow, which, regardless of weather forecasts is given a "guarantee" in the form of snow cannons, and ending with the beautiful skiing areas. Beam riding is not very big, but interesting because of varied terrain. Ski-pass Europe-sportregion combines two areas of skiing - Shmittenhoh and Kittsshtaynhorn and is valid for all ski lifts and ski-ski-bus. You can purchase a ski-pass for each district, or riding a single - the whole valley.
It should be said about the "heights". From Zell am See, located at an altitude of 757 m above sea level, ski slopes and drop off at 2000 meters altitude, and from the village of Kaprun, which lies at an altitude of 786 m, cable cars take away skiers to a glacier at 3029 meters mark altitude difference reaches about 2272 m, which is recognized as a good indicator. There are 60 lifts (35 - rope, 11 - gondola, 14 - chair). The infrastructure of the resort includes more than 20 rental stations equipment. Impressive statistics and the usual ski resort: the total number of lines -32, 18 of them blue-length of 56 km, 22 - red 49-km-long, 9 - black length of 25 km. Professionals drew a long and narrow highway number 13 and the short black track number 6 (just 6,2 km), which is located at the top Shmittenhoh. All the tracks are intricately overlap in these areas of skiers require special attention. This route of varying complexity have been placed so that they have a certain "isolation" that allows beginners to feel "assami" among equals. The best trails for beginners are on the glacier in Kaprun Kittsshtaynhorn, to which only 20 minutes by regular free shuttle bus. Zell am See is recognized by many a great place for snowboarders, beginners with ideal conditions it is on the glacier.
Despite the fact that in Zell am See - Kaprun are 10 ski schools with the European standard of education and the Austrian school of skiing, the season is pre worry about booking lessons with an instructor. Their offices are located at the lifts. The best school is in Kaprun. For riding school provides a broad and flat track number 7 and 2 training lift. For parents with children in Zell am See organized kindergarten, ski kindergarten and children's ski school program which includes sports and exciting entertainment.
For those who for whatever reasons discourages conquest of slopes, there are trails for flat skis length 250 km. The diversity of life in the region to add 4 toboggan runs, fan park at an altitude of 2900 m and 2 natural half-pipes at Kittsshtaynhorn and Shmittenhoh.
Austria - an amazing country. And not only because of its rich culture, history, music. She is beautiful in all seasons. The high tourist season here never ends. But winter in the Austrian Alps is a recreational paradise, which surprisingly fell blindingly white and light snow. In Austria, many ski resorts, famous and not so, expensive and democratic costs. Each of its charm, and all - a corner of the Austrian inimitable nature. Of particular popularity has earned the European sports region Zell am See - Kaprun. Fame came to Zell am See in the 19 century: here liked to rest the Austrian Empress Elizabeth. The town, located an hour's drive from Salzburg in the valley Pinzgau on the shore of a beautiful lake Zeller See, on all sides surrounded by mountains, and the gaze is an idyllic picture. Kaprun - is today a quiet village, which is decorated with an old fortress and Kittsshtaynhorn glacier where the snow can melt even the hot rays of spring sun and can be 12 months a year skiing.
According to legend, however, of historical accuracy, in the 18 century in Zell am See has been a monastic cloister, which gave the name of this place: "cell on the lake. Later than one hundred years of life of the town, which became the administrative center of the district Pinzgau and one of the best known and most comfortable ski resorts in Europe, does not seem lonely and boring. And how could it be otherwise, in Zell am See currently 90 restaurants offering unforgettable Austrian dishes, 35 bars, 35 nightclubs, a disco-pub, dance hall, movie theater, kegelbary, disco club, a modern sports facilities. There is even an airfield, taking small planes and helicopter landing pad. Attracts many attractions: the Catholic Cathedral of St. Hippolytus, Prilau fortress, castle Hofen-Werfen, art gallery,
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The high-hydroelectric power plant, a museum, where you can learn the history of the city from Roman settlement to the present day, Werfen ice caves, parks, wildlife and contemporary Ice Palace, where the international meetings of national hockey teams. In addition, you can go to Salzburg, Munich, Vienna, Innsbruck, or to get acquainted with the diversity of the nearby resorts of Kitzbühel, Saalbach, Abtenau, Badgashtayn. There are other very pleasant entertainments: sledging and sleigh pulled by horses, ballooning, squash, winter golf lessons in an arena for horse riding, ice hockey lake, throwing aysshtokov, tennis at the indoor tennis court, sauna and steam baths, swimming pool, hiking, and shopping. Exceptional experiences remain after enchanting sight - show ski instructors and fireworks in the mountains, carried out every week. And all this, we recall, is surrounded by the beauties of nature and the waves of pure mountain air, which is imbued with fresh snow and the aroma of needles.
In Zell am See a good chance of placement: 112 guests with different categories of hotels, guest houses and apartments. At 2 km from Zell am See is Shyutdorf settlement, which is considered part of the resort. It is called "Youth Village" because of the abundance of inexpensive hotels and lifestyle, devoid of any pomposity. However, life in this village like, regardless of age.
Nevertheless, from December to April, the most important thing is that the region of Zell am See - Kaprun into a special place. Are coming here and experienced skiers and beginners, to enjoy good-skating on groomed trails. And enjoy what really is: from the snow, which, regardless of weather forecasts is given a "guarantee" in the form of snow cannons, and ending with the beautiful skiing areas. Beam riding is not very big, but interesting because of varied terrain. Ski-pass Europe-sportregion combines two areas of skiing - Shmittenhoh and Kittsshtaynhorn and is valid for all ski lifts and ski-ski-bus. You can purchase a ski-pass for each district, or riding a single - the whole valley.
It should be said about the "heights". From Zell am See, located at an altitude of 757 m above sea level, ski slopes and drop off at 2000 meters altitude, and from the village of Kaprun, which lies at an altitude of 786 m, cable cars take away skiers to a glacier at 3029 meters mark altitude difference reaches about 2272 m, which is recognized as a good indicator. There are 60 lifts (35 - rope, 11 - gondola, 14 - chair). The infrastructure of the resort includes more than 20 rental stations equipment. Impressive statistics and the usual ski resort: the total number of lines -32, 18 of them blue-length of 56 km, 22 - red 49-km-long, 9 - black length of 25 km. Professionals drew a long and narrow highway number 13 and the short black track number 6 (just 6,2 km), which is located at the top Shmittenhoh. All the tracks are intricately overlap in these areas of skiers require special attention. This route of varying complexity have been placed so that they have a certain "isolation" that allows beginners to feel "assami" among equals. The best trails for beginners are on the glacier in Kaprun Kittsshtaynhorn, to which only 20 minutes by regular free shuttle bus. Zell am See is recognized by many a great place for snowboarders, beginners with ideal conditions it is on the glacier.
Despite the fact that in Zell am See - Kaprun are 10 ski schools with the European standard of education and the Austrian school of skiing, the season is pre worry about booking lessons with an instructor. Their offices are located at the lifts. The best school is in Kaprun. For riding school provides a broad and flat track number 7 and 2 training lift. For parents with children in Zell am See organized kindergarten, ski kindergarten and children's ski school program which includes sports and exciting entertainment.
For those who for whatever reasons discourages conquest of slopes, there are trails for flat skis length 250 km. The diversity of life in the region to add 4 toboggan runs, fan park at an altitude of 2900 m and 2 natural half-pipes at Kittsshtaynhorn and Shmittenhoh.
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